Category Archives: Editor’s Notes

What? No News?

I’m still around, even if this blog is kind of dormant at the moment. I believe that if there is nothing to report, there’ s no need to post.

I do not worry too much about recognition of “tribes” and so forth. After all, people are suffering from the effects of Hurricane Irene. I believe that takes importance over continuing a pointless feud, especially after the pictures I saw of my “second home”, Brattleboro. I spent six years attending a private school for the hearing impaired there and it is heart-wrenching to see such pictures and wonder how my friends down that way are holding up.

If you do have anything worth reporting, feel free to contact me directly. Until then, I shall remain in the darkness of the rafters.

On Elnu & Nulhegan Recognition

This is the last time I will address Gluscabi directly.

Seriously, what the hell was I supposed to say about recognition of these fraudulent bands? The criminals in the VT Legislature decided they were going to go along with the ruse, instead of doing their research. They ignored all of the research that was done because they saw $$$.

State recognition does not mean jack-squat because these groups will NEVER gain Federal recognition.

Their land claims?  They will be laughed out of court.
Their requests to sell tax-free cigarettes?   Ditto.
Their requests to label their crafts as “Abenaki”?   Ha fucking ha. Don’t get me started.

The fact that Gluscabi quoted the white man’s book makes me laugh even harder as

a. I am an atheist
b. The bible makes good fodder for a campfire when no brush is available
c. Harold Camping is a quack that made millions off of his scam

Oh, I have an idea. Why doesn’t the VT Indigenous Alliance pull a similar scam? There’s no money in being Abenaki.

You can make more money fleecing sheep.

Perhaps they should start with their own flock.

Calm Before The Storm

If you’ve been wondering why there hasn’t been any new posts on this blog, you need to look no further than the lack of news worth reporting.

Until the minutes for the latest VCNAA meeting are released (5/17/11 in Rutland) or another breakthrough comes through, there will be no new posts.

You see, instead of wasting my time and energy on combating fools that run other blogs, I prefer to stick to the facts.

Though a little birdie tipped me off to the identity of one of these wanna-be bloggers.

Simon, I’m watching you.

Because we all need a good laugh…

The shit seems to be flying back and forth with the latest post on “that blog” consisting of a personal attack, courtesy of one Frederick William Wiseman, son of Fred M.Wiseman and member of the Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs.

You want to complain about hatred and lateral violence? Maybe you should follow your own example and delete that nasty post. I don’t foresee you doing so.

After all, a Wiseman can also be a Fool!

One more note:  It’s up to the people to hold other people accountable. What I am doing is neither hatred nor bigotry. It is merely controversial. Since Mr.Wiseman Jr. feels it necessary to attack my profession (environmental services) and the fact that I am a DJ outside of this blog, shows that Mr.Wiseman Jr.  has nothing new to offer on this debate and has resorted to personal attacks. I could go on and on about what the VT Indigenous Alliance does outside of seeking recognition. I would prefer to focus on their recognition efforts instead.

Abenaki In-Fighting Mars Panel Session; St.Albans Messenger 4/20/11

Why am I not surprised that the Alliance is blabbing on about “unity” and all that when they still have not addressed the dissension in their own ranks? A point had to be made and that point is that the application as it currently stands is inaccurate and contains duplicate (and triplicate) names, deceased members and people who are no longer associated with the Missisquoi (including, yours truly and the Maquam band).

What I suggested is only common sense. It appears that the commission is not interested in mediating this conflict. That’s fair enough. However, they cannot and should not accept this application as it currently stands.

The article says that Mr.Willard was yelled at but it does not say that I pointed out to the commission that per their own rules, they were not allowed to view the application and that only the scholar panel would have access to it (for understandable privacy reasons).

Again, Thompson chose to spin this story into a way to help the Alliance and Commission by pointing out their desire for unity. The problem is, when April Merrill will not convene people to discuss these issues, she’s only making them worse.

The St.Francis/Sokoki band has no more tribal council (they quit), cannot provide updated tribal rolls (more like they WILL NOT) and does not have the 51% of members that they claim (it is more like 42%).

So, why can’t the commission look at this and say “hey, they don’t meet our requirements. We need more information?”

Instead, we get April and the commission kissing up to each other while the problem goes unaddressed.

Requiring a piece of paper in order to be removed from tribal rolls should not be required, since the Maquam Band split off over 10 years ago. April should have acknowledged this and updated her tribal rolls accordingly. She hasn’t.

So, while a spectacle was made, points were also made. No one is standing up and asking for clarification in this process. No one is actively challenging it, not even the commission themselves!

The joke is on April though because without a dummy council to enforce her rules, they no longer apply.

As for the school bullying comments? I grew up in Swanton, attended Swanton Schools. Not once did anyone pick on my Abenaki heritage.

More Information on the April Merrill Situation

For those wondering just what is going on with the April Merrill situation, here are images of documents that are available to anyone who requests them (public record). There are 20 images in all of these records.

All I can say is that this is a case that is worth watching as it will impact the recognition for the Vermont Indigenous Alliance. Hopefully, the state and federal governments will see through their lies.

Is White Guilt A Factor In The Push For Recognition?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the psychological reasoning behind the push for recognition by the Vermont Indigenous Alliance. As records show,the Abenaki lineage of these folks is suspect and their claims of having been “hiding in plain sight” all of these years are suspect as well.

One has to wonder, is this push for recognition by these folks all part of their “white guilt”?

Are they truly ashamed of who they really are to the point where they are manufacturing these identities for themselves?

Just look at the attitudes and false claims from these people.  Nancy Millette-Doucet recently went on the WGDR program, “Moccasin Tracks” to complain about what she calls “lateral violence” in Vermont’s re-animated Native community.

Need one remind Mrs.Doucet that her husband, Mark E. Doucet, has committed acts of lateral violence against their opposition.  Nancy herself has screamed and thrown temper tantrums on property belonging to the citizens of the Republic of Vermont (of which she is not a citizen, currently residing in the state of New Hampshire).

The Vermont Indigenous Alliance is on it’s last legs. Mrs.Doucet, Mr.Willard and Mrs.Merrill are all trying to save this failing recognition effort. Expect to see more dirty tricks  by these folks in the next few weeks.

WGDR hasn’t been presenting both sides of this conflict. It’s no wonder the Alliance loves to take advantage of this bias.

A Teaser of the Missisquoi Application

It seems that April Merrill has some nerve, including the names and addresses of people who are no longer associated with the St.Francis-Sokoki Band. I’m also sure that there are people who aren’t even aware that they’re on these tribal rolls.

I received the full Missisquoi application in the mail today.

I do not approve of the St.Francis-Sokoki band using the names of my family members  when they know very well that none of us have been active members for years.

If I’m not mistaken, this is a dishonest method of “proving” that you have the members in order to gain state recognition.

More to come regarding this application, which most certainly smelled like shit the minute I pulled it out of the envelope. I see redactions as well. Can’t be good.

Edit: Attached is an image that shows what I’m talking about. The information isn’t quite up to date and we have not been active members of the St.Francis/Sokoki band for several years now. I am not sure how April can legitimately use such information in her case for recognition when it’s not up-to-date. I am sure that other names/addresses are out of date as well.

Secrecy or Transparency?

Two contrasting dynamics are currently at play in the State of Vermont.

On one hand, we have a proposal from Senator Vince Illuzzi that would actively hide access to public records of groups seeking tribal recognition:

Mr.Illuzzi wants to send a message to yours truly, Mr.Buchholz and Nancy LeCompte that we will not be able to view or copy public records relating to the Alliance groups and their genealogy. This will also apply to any Vermonter who wishes to access such records.

We know by now exactly why Mr.Illuzzi would redact such information:  he must have something in it for him. Why else would he be so eager to hide this information? Who is Mr.Illuzzi trying to protect?

Regardless of what happens, he’s far too late on this. The information is out there and no law will prevent people from knowing the truth.

Which brings me to this fun tidbit concerning transparency in Vermont State Government:

In the famous words of Dwayne Johnson, don’t sing it, BRING IT!

Show us this transparency you speak of! Mr.Shumlin and Mr.Condos must now stand by their words and put a stop to Mr.Illuzzi’s meddling.

You can’t promise something and then not deliver!

Which is it going to be? Secrecy or Transparency?

Beware of Imposters

It has come to my attention that someone has attempted to mimic my blog:

Apparently, the “author” of this blog was upset with the inability to troll my blog with comments, so they decided to start their own.

Just so that you know, I’m on to who you are. Cheers!

Check out the screenshot below. Isn’t it pretty?

For your information, they have also tried this tactic with another blog. It seems that Mr.Buchholz is also an object of their ire.

So much for complaining about harassment. If H.16 passes, they too, shall be held responsible for such defamatory tactics.