Daily Archives: January 4, 2011

New year, New governor, Same old song and dance?

Here’s to hoping that 2011 brings the truth to the people who are too blind to see it.

The Vermont politicians that have enabled the Abenaki Alliance to corrupt the Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs need to see the error of their ways.

Governor Shumlin needs to understand that this issue is not a simple recognition issue. It’s a matter of a group of people with dubious genealogy, attempting to con a state into giving them recognition so that they may sell their crafts as legitimate Abenaki crafts. While there are legitimate Abenaki people who wish to do this, it has been extensively documented that the Alliance is not what they say they are, especially in the public light.

Hinda Miller’s public comment that “she too, comes from a lost tribe”, shows her obvious ignorance of the issues at hand. Vince Illuzzi’s willingness to capitulate to April Merrill and her co-horts over the years just reeks of political manipulation. It’s as if the Mafia has taken up residence in Vermont under the guise of this “Alliance” and are attempting to use illegal tactics to get what they want.

We shall see in 2011. The healing will not begin until justice is served.

In this case, justice does not come until the Alliance and the commission are exposed for the people they really are.