Donald Stevens defends Nulhegan, Newport Daily Express

It’s becoming more apparent that the voices both for and against the recognition of the Alliance tribes are becoming louder with each passing day.

Here’s a link to the latest volley fired in this “war” by one Donald Warren Stevens, Chief of Nulhegan:

“In Defense of Nulhegan” Newport Daily Express January 20, 2011

Text is below (with commentary after)

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to the letter submitted by Lorene Liberty-Curtis from the Clan of the Hawk. She stated in her article that Vermont should follow the Federal Standards to gain recognition. Vermont does not want any Federally recognized tribes in the State because of potential Casino’s. Why would they impose criteria that would circumvent the State’s authority over the tribes? Vermont would rather give recognition in a manner they can control and allow us to sell our arts and crafts. No more and no less.

This can’t possibly be true. I can’t speak for the state but as a Vermont taxpayer,  I surely don’t want opportunists like Mr.Stevens, Luke Willard and Nancy Millette-Doucet to have access to state and federal money for their schemes.   One of the main talking points of the Alliance has been “we’re doing this for the children” and “we just want to sell our crafts”. These are convenient talking points that do an excellent job of hiding their true motives.

Here is the truth as Lorene Liberty-Curtis puts it. The Nulhegan band has submitted its paperwork and its genealogy data to the scholars who have validated our petition, two of which work for the federal government. Nowhere in the Nulhegan’s application for recognition or supporting documentation is the name or image of Rosa Bangs referenced. Get your facts straight before blatantly lying to the public.

Nulhegan submitted paperwork to a biased group of scholars who were going to approve it anyway. Even a blind man can see that these people were going to get slam-dunk recognition with people like Fred M. Wiseman in their corner. If they had submitted paperwork to a group of non-biased, non-associated scholars, they would have been laughed out of the room (and they know it!).

Where is the Clan of the Hawk’s petition? They have every opportunity to prove themselves through the same process as does every other native group in Vermont. The truth is that the Clan of the Hawk tried to be included in our bill for direct recognition last year as an Abenaki tribe. What Lorene fails to tell you is that their representative stood up in front of the Senate committee and stated that he was not Abenaki and that the Clan of the Hawk accepts everyone, native or not. They admitted freely that they are a social club and not a native american tribe under the Statute.

The Nulhegan, Elnu and Koasek groups are much like the Clan of the Hawk: None of them are tribes. They are incorporations, groups and whatnot.

So who is the one here playing indian? Not us, we have proven ourselves and have been validated by independent scholars.

The naivety of Donald Warren Stevens speaks volumes. Fred M. Wiseman is not an “independent” scholar. Dave Skinas is not an “independent” scholar. I’m unsure about David Lacy and Eloise Biel but again, Mr.Stevens is defecating from the mouth by claiming such a fallacy.

Do not try to suppress our people because you do not believe you are Abenaki. The Clan of the Hawk started up a unity council to work with other natives in Vermont and sent us an invitation to join. If this is their way of gaining unity by speaking out of both sides of their mouth. No wonder they do not have many unity members.

Alas, it was Donald Warren Stevens himself who called for unity back in 2008 as chairman of the Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs. Donald’s carelessly worded email lead to libel against commissioners Tim DeLaBruere and Judy Dow via Luke Andrew Willard (“Mrs.Timmy and Mr. Judy”). This makes Donald Warren Stevens a hypocrite who has done his fair share of talking out of both sides of his mouth.

I have no choice but to defend our people when letters of this nature are written about our tribe. I would much rather work for the good of all Abenaki people so we can move our people forward.

Donald Warren Stevens is only interested in advancing the agenda of the Alliance. He has shown disregard towards Odanak people living in the state of Vermont and the Alliance has not reached out to other important family bands  of which I need not mention as they can speak for themselves on this matter. Again, another outright lie.

If Lorene and the Clan of the Hawk enjoy doing native things and being close to the earth, you have every right to worship the way you want. However, if you are going to follow the native ways, then remember the teachings of our elders and to respect one another.

Again, it is Donald Warren Stevens who does not understand the meaning of the word “respect” and has no right to lecture people like Ms.Curtis on such a thing.

If you want unity, you should treat others as you would like to be treated. My role as Chief is to be there for the Abenaki people and to provide guidance to our children. If you have members who are truly Abenaki and are artists, have them come see me after recognition so they may benefit from our hard work and can be protected under the law.
Waolowzi (Be Very Well),
Don Stevens, Chief
Nulhegan Band Coosuk Abenaki Tribe – Lake Memphremagog

It has become clear that this Alliance is a band of arrogant hypocrites that somehow think that they have a god-given right to lecture other people on ethics. They have not shown an ounce of respect towards anyone not in their little Alliance.  Mr.Stevens is not a chief, but rather a larger-than-life cartoon character, complete with indian clothes and a “Chief Wahoo” complex.

One response to “Donald Stevens defends Nulhegan, Newport Daily Express

  1. First off, I would like to comment on Donald Stevens Jr. diatribe of this and that. He claims that these “scholars” are independent. Not true. They have a working relationship with his alleged former membership with the St. Francis/Sokoki ASHA Inc. group in Swanton for a number of years previous. Sometimes upwards of 20 years! So “independent” is hardly being truthful here on his part. It is documented. Yes David Skinas is employed by the Federal Goverment, that doesn’t make the man thee Federal Government. Secondly, he also has a working relationship with these people claiming to be Abenaki Tribes. Hardly is the situation truthfully said. They are merely incorporations greedy to attach themselves to an Indian Identity that they can promote and get $$ for. State Recogntion isn’t going to make these people any more Abenaki supposedly, than allegedly they already claim to be. PURE and SIMPLE. They are simply Wannabe Abenaki whores who simply want to be paid to be “Abenaki” and really what honestly has been shown and provided by their applications of supposed genealogical or historical connection to the Abenakis or Abenaki COMMUNITY? Nothing thats what. Its illusion and distortion. It is lies and fraud. PURE and SIMPLE. Ralph Swett made Illuzzi an Honorary Chief the same as Howard Knight Jr. made Ralph an Honorary Chief and I am sorry to say it but they in VT PLAYING INDIAN and ABENAKI is the name of the game today. It PAYS to be ABENAKI these days. IF Donald Warren Stevens Jr. is so damned Abenaki then WHY did he have to get the documentation from me, because his own damned Phillips relatives told me he was a damned baffoon. “Don’t give him his ancestry” Tom Phillips of Hardwick VT said to me. Well, he’s a relative of Peter Phillips, so I gave him the info. Now look what the idiot tries to claim now, that he is connected to King Philips Deed here in NH. You betcha these people are lieing right straight to the Govt of VT and NH. Their intentions are to connect themselves to the Land Deed of an imposter “King Philip” of 1796 and lay claim to N.E. VT and parts of NH. I know it and they know it. I got their records and it is revealing because they were given to me by people that left these LOOSE and FLUID solicited members of these Incorporations. So Donald can say whatever the heck it is he wants to in defending himself and others but a lot people know him for what he really is. He’s a snake in the grass, and his own cousin Tom Phillips knew it too. I didn’t want to think that way, and I am sure they all think I am a snake in the grass too, but hey it takes one to know one eh. I hope Donald Stevens all the best in his deceitfulness and his NDN get-up. I know they are deceiving the State of VT just as assuredly I know his family history because he gave me those records too. But you see, he wants to hide the real truth about why he is sitting there with the Nulhegan-Coosuk wannabe’s nowadays. 1. Land Grab. Attempt to genealogically say they are descendants of this 1796 King Philip Deed 2. Once VT stupidly and blindly gives just one of these groups state recognition, and so on, any left out (of this Alliance) or unable to met the LOOSE and FLUID criteria set up by his little buddy Freddy Boy Wiseman PhD there, those particular groups will simply slide up into the one group that does supposedly meet the criteria of S.222. Thats how this shell game is being played today with these non-independent/ “outside” scholars!